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Appointments, reappointments made to Long-Term Care Supports and Services Advisory Commission

Friday, January 18, 2013

LANSING, Mich. - Gov. Rick Snyder today announced two appointments and two reappointments to the Michigan Long-Term Care Supports and Services Advisory Commission.  

Housed within the Michigan Department of Community Health, the 17-member commission provides quality assurance reviews of Michigan's long-term care system.


"These appointees bring valuable experiences to this board, and I appreciate their willingness to serve the people of Michigan in these roles," said Snyder.    



Clare Luz, of East Lansing, is lead evaluator at Michigan State University's Geriatric Education Center of Michigan. She also serves as assistant professor in the university's College of Human Medicine, Geriatric Division, Department of Family Medicine. Luz holds a bachelor's degree in social work Michigan State University, a master's degree in gerontology from the University of South Florida and a Ph.D. in applied gerontology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She will represent primary or secondary consumers of long-term care and services and replaces Dohn Hoyle.


Larry Yachcik, of Lowell, is president and chief executive officer of Porter Hills Retirement Communities and Services, a position he has held since 2008. He previously served as vice president of corporate operations for Tendercare Michigan Inc. Yachcik is a licensed nursing home administrator and member of the Aging Services of Michigan board. He earned a bachelor's degree in business and community development from Central Michigan University. Yachcik will represent direct care staff providing long-term care supports and services and replaces Denise Rabidoux.



Christine Chesny, of Bay City, is vice president of long-term care and home care for MidMichigan Health, where she has worked since 2002. She previously served as president of MidMichigan Visiting Nurse Support Services and the MidMichigan Visiting Nurse Association. Chesny received a bachelor's degree in nursing from the University of Michigan - Flint, a master's degree in health services administration from the University of Michigan, and is pursuing a master's degree in nursing from Saginaw Valley State University. She will continue to represent providers of Medicaid-funded long-term care supports and services.


Connie Fuller, of Rock, brings years of experience working in nursing homes in Michigan, Oklahoma and Texas. She also has served on various boards and commissions, including the Northern Home Care board and Delta Area Transit Authority board of directors. Fuller holds a medical technology certificate from the Texas College of Medical and Dental Careers in Houston. She will continue to represent primary or secondary consumers of long-term care supports and services.


Appointees will serve four-year terms that expire Dec. 31, 2016, and their appointments are not subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.


