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Reappointments made to Michigan Wheat Promotion Committee

Thursday, May 16, 2013

LANSING, Mich. - Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the reappointments of Gerald Heck, of Monroe, Chris Schmidt, of Auburn, and Frank Vyskocil, of New Lothrop, to the state's Wheat Promotion Committee.

Created in 2011, the nine-member committee oversees the wheat marketing program and is made up of wheat farmers from throughout Michigan.


"I thank these individuals for their contributions to Michigan agriculture, and in the important area of wheat production," said Snyder. "I am confident they will continue to be valuable members of the committee."


Heck is owner of Heck Farms LLC, which consists of more than 800 combined acres of corn, soybeans and wheat. He received the 2010 Ecology Leadership Award from the Monroe County Farm Bureau and the 2010 Conservation Farm of the Year from the Monroe Soil and Water District. Heck earned a bachelor's degree in animal science from Michigan State University. He will continue to represent District 3 growers.


Schmidt is a fourth generation farmer and owner of Schmidt Farms of Auburn, which consists of more than 600 combined acres of wheat, soybeans, corn and oats. He holds a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Michigan Technological University. Schmidt will continue to represent District 8 growers.


Vyskocil brings nearly 50 years of farming experience as a third generation farmer. He is owner of Shiawassee Valley Farms, which consists of 2,470 combined acres of wheat, corn and soybeans. Vyskocil will continue to represent District 6 growers.


Appointees will serve three-year terms that expire May 31, 2016, and their appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.

