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Snyder statement on creation of Healthy Michigan work group

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Lansing, MICH - Gov. Rick Snyder today offered the following statement after the Senate announced the creation of a Healthy Michigan work group:


"The creation of a Healthy Michigan work group in the Senate is good progress.  I appreciate Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville's efforts to keep this vital issue moving forward.  My team and I are committed to helping this work group complete its task quickly.  I'm also urging the Senate leadership to establish a specific date for a vote on this important legislation. Passing this bill is critical to the well-being of our citizens and the vitality of our economy. The bill will provide health care coverage for nearly half-a-million more Michigan residents while also encouraging people to take responsibility for making smart choices when it comes to their own health. This initiative will save money for taxpayers and employers."

