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Eight counties added to governor's emergency declaration due to deep freeze

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

LANSING, Mich. - Gov. Rick Snyder today directed the Michigan State Police to amend a recent emergency declaration for Marquette County to include eight additional northern Michigan counties after this winter’s extremely cold temperatures and deep frost levels continue to cause widespread and severe damage to water and sewer mains.

In addition to Marquette County, the amended emergency declaration adds the counties of Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Chippewa, Delta, Emmet, Gogebic, Luce and Mackinac.

"Although spring is here and temperatures are warming up, our northern Michigan communities are still feeling the effects from this winter’s extreme cold and deep freeze," Snyder said. "We are looking at all options to help our communities recover from this winter."

The eight counties requested a governor’s declaration after determining local resources are insufficient to address the situation and state assistance is required to protect public health, safety and property to lessen or avert the threat of a crisis. The Michigan Emergency Management Act allows the director of the Michigan State Police, or his or her designee, to amend a declaration with the concurrence of the governor.

Northern Michigan communities have been coping with widespread and severe damage and failure of water and sewer systems, fire hydrants and public roads, compromising public health and safety due to delayed fire suppression and emergency vehicle response.

Snyder declared on April 17 a “state of emergency” for Marquette County to ensure all possible state resources, in accordance with the Michigan Emergency Management Plan, would be provided to assist the local response to the damage caused by this winter’s extremely cold temperatures and deep frost levels.

The governor’s declaration authorizes the Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division to coordinate state response and recovery efforts.
