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Michigan seeking innovative approaches to improving health of mothers, babies

Michigan Partners for Success seeks public-private solutions

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

LANSING, Mich. – Improving health and early childhood outcomes for high-risk mothers and their babies are the first priorities of Michigan Partners for Success, a new state program.

Michigan Partners for Success is centered on the state government teaming up with service providers and investors from the philanthropic and private communities to fund new approaches to address persistent community health problems.

The program focuses on improving health and early childhood development for high-risk mothers and their babies through home-visitation, community programs and better coordination of care throughout pregnancy until the child’s second birthday.

“Everyone benefits when mothers and families get the assistance they need to get children off to the best start possible,” Snyder said. “It’s important for parents to get support to keep mothers and their babies healthy. This new program will help find innovative approaches to provide this vital care.”  

Michigan was chosen in a national competition to work with Harvard University’s Kennedy School on the project.

Using the model, investors from the philanthropic community and private sector provide upfront funding to expand or replicate proven programs. Governments cover the costs only if the program successfully meets its goals.

The state is issuing a formal request for proposals this month, with a public meeting and bidder’s conference scheduled for Sept. 4. Interested parties, including investors, are encouraged to attend the bidder’s conference. Bids will be due in October, with finalist interviews planned for November. Programs will start in 2015.

Groups interested in submitting proposals can receive additional information at:
