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Lt. Gov. Brian Calley and Julie Calley recognize Autism Awareness Month


April 2, 2015

LANSING, Mich. - Lt. Gov. Brian Calley issued the following statement in observance of Autism Awareness Month in Michigan.  

Julie Calley: 1 in 68 children have an Autism Spectrum Disorder.  

Lt. Gov. Brian Calley: Here in the state of Michigan, we have been taking action - not to “fix” Autism, but instead, helping people and families with Autism receive the support necessary to achieve the amazing, intrinsic potential they have.

Julie Calley: It is time to change the way we look at Autism Spectrum Disorders.  Our daughter, Reagan, has taught us not to predetermine outcomes or limit our expectations about what she can do.

Lt. Gov. Brian Calley: April is officially autism awareness month, but let's change our mindset to autism acceptance, not just awareness.  It's a great time to reflect on and celebrate the progress we have made.  Autism insurance reform has put needed support services within reach of thousands of families.  We have more than doubled the number of behavior analysts in Michigan and through partnerships with universities we are building a much stronger pipeline for the future.

Julie Calley: But we cannot afford to stop there. Instead, we should accelerate our efforts to make the world work better for people with autism and all neurological differences.  

Lt. Gov. Brian Calley: We need to improve education, housing, transition services to adulthood, employment prospects, transportation and independence.  Working together, we can build a better future that fosters inclusion and stronger communities. 

Julie Calley: People with autism are not a problem to be solved.  They are talented and passionate people who have hopes and dreams and aspirations of their own.  Given the proper support, and a chance, they will enrich our world.

Lt. Gov. Brian Calley: Different is not less.

Julie Calley: Different is beautiful.

Reagan Calley: Different is me.  This April and all year long, celebrate acceptance of individuals with autism. 
