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Gov. Rick Snyder makes reappointment to Natural Resources Trust Fund board of trustees

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

LANSING, Mich. – Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the reappointment of Steven Hamp, of Ann Arbor, to the Natural Resources Trust Fund board of trustees.

The board oversees the Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund, which provides financial assistance to local governments and the Department of Natural Resources to purchase land or rights of land for public recreation or protection. The program also provides funding for recreation development projects such as trail and park development.

“Protecting Michigan’s natural resources and providing outdoor recreation opportunities for our residents is always an important role in our state, and I am pleased to have Steve continue in this position,” Snyder said.

Hamp is retired from The Henry Ford, where he worked for 27 years and served as president from 1996-2005. He also served as vice president and chief of staff for Ford Motor Co., where he was an adviser to Ford Chairman and CEO Bill Ford Jr. Hamp serves on the governing council for The New Economy Initiative, the Board of Commissioners for the Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery, and as co-chair of The Purple Rose Theatre Co. He earned a bachelor’s degree in American history from Butler University, a master’s degree in folklore and folklife from Indiana University and a master’s of museum practice from the University of Michigan.

Hamp serves a four-year term expiring Oct. 1, 2019. His appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
