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Gov. Rick Snyder makes appointment and reappointments to the Michigan Capitol Committee

Thursday, June 9, 2016

LANSING, Mich. – Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the appointment of Darin Ackerman and the reappointments of Lt. Gov. Brian Calley, Beth Clement and Marsha Quebbeman to the Michigan Capitol Committee. 

Housed within the Executive Office, the committee makes recommendations regarding the implementation of all permanent physical changes to be made in or on the capitol building as well as capitol grounds.

It is comprised of 12 members who serve two-year terms. Four members are appointed by the Governor from the executive branch, four members are appointed by the Senate Majority Leader (with one from the minority party), and four members are appointed by the Speaker of the House (with one from the minority party).


Darin Ackerman, Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs


Brian Calley, Lieutenant Governor

Beth Clement, Chief Legal Counsel

Marsha Quebbeman, Director of the Office of Administrative Services

Members serve two-year terms expiring January 24, 2017.
