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First Lady Sue Snyder set to host second "Inform. Empower. Prevent. Let's End Campus Sexual Assault" summit

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

LANSING, Mich. — To continue the fight against sexual assault on Michigan’s college and university campuses, First Lady Sue Snyder today announced the second “Inform. Empower. Prevent. Let’s End Campus Sexual Assault” summit will be held on Friday, Sept. 30 at the University of Michigan’s North Campus Research Complex in Ann Arbor.

“Putting an end to sexual assaults on our college and university campuses—our student’s homes away from home—is something that needs to continue to be a high priority,” Snyder said. “We have already taken tremendous steps in finding ways to increase awareness and prevention of campus assaults, but there is still more work to be done.

“This summit is an opportunity to continue the important conversations already started and bring together Michiganders who share a common goal of ultimately putting an end to campus sexual assault.”

The summit focuses on university officials, lawmakers, law enforcement, students, and topic experts to encourage the end of sexual assault on the campuses of Michigan’s colleges and universities. This year, the effort will extend to the high school community and also promote collaboration on best practices for colleges and universities to work with student groups like Greek life and athletics.

Since the first summit last year, the state launched the Campus Sexual Assault Grant Program, aimed to change the overall sexual assault culture among the college-age population. Colleges and universities were able to apply for a portion of the $500,000 grant to create campus sexual assault prevention strategies. Twenty-three Michigan colleges and universities received funding, which was recently approved by the Legislature again this year.

Additional information on summit details and its initiatives are available at
