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Gov. Rick Snyder makes appointment, reappointment to the Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee

Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016

LANSING, Mich. – Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the appointment of Robert Moore of Bannister and the reappointment of Steven Koeman of Hamilton to the Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee.

The committee oversees the soybean marketing program.

"I thank Robert and Steven for their commitment to serving on this board and I am confident they will positively influence Michigan’s soybean industry," Snyder said.
Moore is the owner and manager of Moore Seed Farm. Moore Seed Farm is one of the founders of Great Lakes Hybrids and is part of Premier Seed Group, producing seed for many national seed companies. He received the FFA American Farmer degree in 1974, and the Michigan Master Farmer award in 2015. He will represent District 6 and replace George Zmitko.

Koeman is the vice president of the Allegan County Farm Bureau and was awarded the 2006 American Soybean Association Young Leader Program award. He has farmed for over 25 years in a family partnership farming corn, soybeans, and wheat with 1,300-1,400 acres of soybeans and corn in rotation. Koeman will continue to represent District 7. 

Members serve three-year terms expiring Sept. 23, 2019. Appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
