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Gov. Rick Snyder makes appointment to the Crime Victim Services Commission

Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016

LANSING, Mich. – Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the appointment of Annie Harrison of Lansing to the Crime Victim Services Commission. Snyder also announced current member Victor Fitz as chair of the commission.

The Commission oversees the Crime Victim Compensation Program, which helps pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses, grief counseling, lost earnings, funeral bills and crime scene cleanup to eligible crime victims who may have suffered a physical injury. The commission also manages certain state and federal victim assistance grants.

"Annie and Victor have extensive knowledge in this field and I am confident they will have a positive impact on this commission and assist numerous crime victims statewide," Snyder said.

Harrison works for the Ingham County Sheriff’s Office as a detective specializing in child physical and sexual abuse and adult sexual assault. She is a member of the Capitol Area Sexual Assault Response Team, chair of Ingham County Child Death Review, and assisted in the creation of the State of Michigan Sexual Assault Model Policy. Harrison holds a bachelor’s degree in social relations, criminal justice, and Jewish studies from Michigan State University. She will represent peace officers and Democrats and replace Catherine Garcia-Lindstrom.

Harrison will serve a three-year term expiring Sept. 27, 2019 and Fitz will serve as chair expiring at the pleasure of the governor. Their appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
