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Gov. Rick Snyder's Building the 21st Century Economy Commission offers strategies to help ensure economic prosperity for Michigan's future

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. – Leading on talent, investing in infrastructure, creating a competitive business climate and ensuring a good quality of life are keys for Michigan's economic success and achieving prosperity for all, according to a new report by Gov. Rick Snyder's Building the 21st Century Economy Commission.

"Michigan has made an incredible comeback, but we can’t be complacent or content,” Snyder said. “In order to ensure our state’s long-term economic prosperity, we need a framework that will align us for ongoing success in the 21st Century economy. "Thanks to the Commission's outstanding work, our state has a good roadmap on how to expand opportunities for all Michiganders as we accelerate down the path toward our future."

Last year, Snyder created the Commission with the goal of establishing a comprehensive vision for Michigan’s economic future that will leverage the state’s strengths and encourage development.

"Michigan is on a strong economic path today, but we face an unpredictable future in which global headwinds will fundamentally reshape our society," said Sandy Baruah, chairman of the Commission and president of the Detroit Regional Chamber. "Unless we take collective action to 'grab the tiller' and steer our economic future, our state will be left behind in the 21st century."

Commissioners heard from experts who predict that changing demographics, technological breakthroughs, increased urbanization, shifts in global economic power, environmental change, and resource scarcity have implications for how Michigan competes in a global marketplace. The Commission’s key recommendations include:

Lead on Talent

  • Assure an effective pathway to post-secondary and lifelong learning.
  • Equip all individuals with 21st century skills, at all levels of education.
  • Grow our population by attracting and retaining talent from all countries and states.

Invest in Infrastructure

  • Build and maintain modern physical transportation, digital communications, and utility infrastructure.
  • Use our infrastructure to connect people to opportunities, both physically and digitally.
  • Build social infrastructure to remove barriers to success for individuals (such as housing and childcare).

Create a Competitive Business Climate

  • Increase cross-sector collaboration to drive economic clusters, with a specific focus on mobility.
  • Create the policy frameworks that allow the state to encourage smart business growth.
  • Use regional, technology-enabled, customer-centric approaches to improve the experience of expanding, starting, and locating a business.

Ensure a Good Quality of Life

  • Create thriving cities and communities to drive growth and anchor regions.
  • Welcome all to our state by supporting and celebrating individuals from all cultures and backgrounds.
  • Ensure the quality of and access to our natural resources, fresh water, and recreation.

The Building the 21st Century Economy Commission was composed of business owners, educators and economic developers from across Michigan, appointed by the Governor and members of the state Legislature. Over the past several months, the Commission held listening sessions around the state to hear from local leaders, entrepreneurs, and other community members about challenges in each region.

Gov. Snyder's other recent commissions on infrastructure and education offered innovative strategies for Michigan's future that complement the 21st Century Economy report.

Snyder created the 21st Century Economy Commission through Executive Order 2016-14 after he announced plans for it during his 2016 State of the State address.

Click here to view the Commission’s full report.

Read more about the Building the 21st Century Economy Commission at
