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Gov. Rick Snyder makes appointment to the State Construction Code Commission

Friday, Dec. 15, 2017

LANSING, Mich. – Gov. Rick Snyder today announced the appointment of Jeffrey Spencer of Davisburg to the State Construction Code Commission.

Housed within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, the 17-member commission enforces and oversees construction code throughout the state.

“Jeffrey has many years of experience that I believe will suit him well on this commission,” Snyder said.

Spencer has been a building official for the City of Auburn Hills for 30 years. He is a licensed residential builder and a registered code official and inspector. He holds an associate’s degree in industrial technology from Baker College and a journeyman’s certificate of carpentry from the Detroit Carpentry Trade School. He will represent municipal building inspectors and fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Matthew Reno.

Spencer will serve the remainder of a four-year term expiring Jan. 31, 2019. His appointment is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate.
