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Gov. Snyder's statement regarding today's legislative action

Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2018

LANSING, Mich. – “During the past seven years, there has been momentous economic growth in Michigan, which has allowed us to phase out punitive personal property taxes on employers so they can expand and hire, allocate billions more in road improvement funding, and increase the Homestead Property Tax exemption – all of which has a payment plan to make sure it’s being done without creating new state debt.

“Changing the tax code without a plan to pay for it challenges the conservative fiscal responsibility of the past seven years. Reinvention of the tax code balanced with responsible management of taxpayer dollars created our state’s comeback, and we need to stay on the current course of long-term financial planning so we can continue our current trajectory of record economic growth and declining unemployment rates. This is how we best protect Michigan families and leave the next administration and Legislature with a balanced checkbook so they can continue the comeback.”
