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National Governor's Association selects Michigan to participate in innovative learning lab to address substance abuse

Friday, Feb. 9, 2018

LANSING, Mich. – Today Gov. Rick Snyder issued the following statement in response to the National Governors Association selecting Michigan as one of six states participating in a new project to address the opioid epidemic:

“I’m proud that Michigan is a leader in addressing the opioid epidemic, however our work is far from over. As a state, we need to do everything we can to combat this crisis for the sake of all Michiganders. I am honored that Michigan was chosen to participate in this innovative program and look forward to collaborating with other states to develop and implement strategic plans to reduce opioid-related deaths, infectious diseases and overdoses.” 

Editor’s note [from NGA]: This learning lab is an opportunity for governors’ senior staff and other state officials to receive technical assistance in developing and implementing a strategic action plan for reducing the incidence of infectious disease related to substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder. This learning lab will highlight Kentucky, which has undertaken significant efforts to improve SUD and infectious disease surveillance, as well as community-based prevention services such syringe exchange, naloxone distribution, testing and treatment for infectious diseases, and provision of or referral to SUD and mental health treatment services. States participating in this learning lab will attend a kick-off meeting in Kentucky in March 2018, followed by six months of technical assistance from NGA.
