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First Lady Sue Snyder announces fourth annual campus sexual assault summit

Summit set for Sept. 24 at Western Michigan University

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

LANSING, Mich. — Michigan continues to be a leader in the fight to end campus sexual assault and today, First Lady Sue Snyder announced Michigan’s fourth “Inform. Empower. Prevent. Let’s End Campus Sexual Assault” summit will be held on Monday, Sept. 24 at Western Michigan University.

“I’m proud of the leadership role Michigan has taken to address the prevalence of sexual assault on our college and university campuses,” First Lady Sue Snyder said. “These statewide summits are an important part of our work to raise awareness and prevention efforts to ultimately change the culture and put an end to campus sexual assault.

“Western Michigan University has been a tremendous partner in our work to address this critical issue. I’m excited to host our fourth summit at WMU and look forward to focusing our efforts this year on best practices for prevention and response to sexual assault.

“Our work is far from over, but together, I know we will continue to make progress in drawing more attention to this issue, developing innovative prevention strategies and ultimately changing our culture.”

The day-long summit will be hosted at Western Michigan University with the goal of continuing Michigan’s leadership role in the fight against sexual assault among the college-age population. The summit will continue the conversation of campus assault and is an ongoing campaign to inform communities, empower individuals and ultimately bring an end to campus sexual assault.

"We are pleased to host this campus sexual assault summit at Western Michigan University and believe it is vitally important that we keep this conversation going," said WMU President Edward Montgomery. "First Lady Snyder's support has been critical over the past few years as organizations from across the state work together to prevent sexual assault and to change behavior and attitudes. These summits have helped foster real change and the development of best practices for use across the nation. But this work must continue, and we need to remain vigilant to insure our students and community can feel safe at our University."

Previous summits were hosted at the Lansing Center, the University of Michigan and Eastern Michigan University. Additional summit details, registration options, speakers and a full summit agenda will be updated in the coming weeks and can be found at

Gov. Snyder recently proclaimed April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and joined with the First Lady to announce the “MI Pledge” awareness campaign. Visit to learn more and sign the pledge.

Visit to find resources for campus sexual assault survivors, family and friends.
