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Board sets date for Pre-Hearing Conference from Greektown Casino, LLC

Monday, July 17, 2000
Contact: Robert Nelson (517/324-8219)




The Michigan Gaming Control Board will conduct a Pre-hearing Conference on Thursday, July 27, 2000, as part of a Public Investigative Hearing for Greektown Casino, LLC. The Pre-hearing Conference will begin at 9:00 AM at 1500 Abbott Road, Suite 300, in East Lansing. The Pre-hearing Conference allows MGCB staff, Attorney General, the casino license applicant, and the Board's hearing officer to identify and clarify issues; stipulate to uncontested issues of fact and law; establish order of presentation; establish how and when public comment/testimony will be received; establish motion practice; consider pre-hearing motions; require and schedule filing of pre- and post-hearing briefs; and exchange witness/exhibit lists. The Pre-hearing Conference is open to the public.


In the event the Board approves certain proposed transfers of ownership interests in Greektown Casino, LLC, during a public meeting at 9:00 AM on Monday, August 7, 2000, the Board will begin the evidentiary portion of Greektown's Public Investigative Hearing that same date at 1:30 PM at the Board's Detroit office in the Albert Kahn Building, Third Floor, 7430 Second Avenue (one block north of the Fisher Building) in Detroit.


Greektown Casino, LLC, is an applicant for one of three authorized casino licenses in Detroit. The purpose of the Public Investigative Hearing is for Board members to receive evidence from the applicant, Board staff, and the public regarding the suitability of Greektown Casino, LLC, to be granted a casino license.


The public will have reasonable opportunity during the Public Investigative Hearing to give testimony and comment relevant to the eligibility, suitability and qualifications of Greektown Casino, LLC, to be granted a casino license under the licensing standards of the Michigan Gaming Control & Revenue Act, as amended, Public Act 69 of 1997; and Administrative Rules of the Board, MR 432.1101, et seq.


Both the East Lansing and Detroit offices are barrier-free, and accessible to persons with special needs. Persons needing special accommodations or assistance are asked to contact Mr. Robert Nelson at 517/324-8219.


Mr. Nelson Westrin
Executive Director