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Michigan Gaming Control Board November 14 meeting cancelled

The Michigan Gaming Control Board has cancelled its previously scheduled Tuesday, Nov. 14 meeting.

The Board will next meet on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023. An updated meeting notice and agenda will be distributed at a later date.


Gambling in any form is for entertainment purposes only. If someone has a gambling problem, please call the state's 24-hour, toll-free helpline at 1-800-270-7117 or the MGCB's responsible gaming section at 1-888-223-3044. Visit the Responsible Gaming page of the MGCB website for information on self-exclusion programs including the Disassociated Persons List and the Internet Gaming and Sports Betting Responsible Gaming Database, and for additional tools to game responsibly.

The Michigan Gaming Control Board shall ensure the conduct of fair and honest gaming to protect the interests of the citizens of the state of Michigan. Learn more at

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