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Patron Dispute Information - Tribal Casinos

Michigan tribal casinos are operated pursuant to the Tribal-State Compacts mutually entered into between the tribes and the State of Michigan, as well as the federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. The Michigan Tribal-State Compacts do not provide a resolution process for complaints and issues that may arise between a patron and a tribal casino, e.g., a dispute over slot machine payouts or malfunctions.

Filing a patron complaint with a tribal casino in Michigan

The Tribal-State Compacts require a patron to file a complaint with the tribal government responsible for regulating a tribal casino (usually the tribal gaming commission) or with the National Indian Gaming Commission, an agency of the U.S. Government, to resolve any issues or disputes with respect to the operations of a tribal gaming establishment(s). 

Michigan Tribal Casinos contact information. 

To file a patron complaint with the federal government:

Contact the National Indian Gaming Commission at their regional office at 651-290-4004 or write to:

Regional Director St. Paul
National Indian Gaming Commission
Regional Office
380 Jackson Street, Suite 420
St. Paul, MN 55101

Note:  The State of Michigan cannot become involved with the resolution of specific patron disputes regarding tribal casinos. The State of Michigan cannot represent the interests of either the patron or the tribal casino. The patron should attempt to resolve the dispute with the tribal government that owns the particular casino and/or contact the National Indian Gaming Commission. If you have questions about filing a patron complaint with a tribe or the National Indian Gaming Commission, you may contact the Michigan Gaming Control Board at 313-456-1344.