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Brimacombe Promoted to Chief Deputy Director

Michigan State Police (MSP) Director Col. James F. Grady II is pleased to announce the promotion of F/Lt. Aimee Brimacombe to lieutenant colonel and chief deputy director.

As chief deputy director, Brimacombe will serve as a member of the Director's Leadership Team with responsibility for the formulation and implementation of the department's mission, policies, strategic plans, directives, organization structure and for the direction of all departmental staff excluding those reporting to the Director. 

Prior to her promotion, Brimacombe served as commander of the Risk Management Section and as the department’s risk manager responsible for planning, organizing, conducting and coordinating comprehensive risk management and litigation response programs. In this role, she provided advice and counsel to executive-level department members, made policy recommendations and assisted with developing, drafting and implementing department policy. As part of the department’s litigation response program, she coordinated litigation efforts with the Attorney General’s Office involving the department or its members as parties. She also planned, organized and participated in the delivery of legal instruction during recruit schools, in-service schools and other department-sponsored training events.  

Brimacombe enlisted with the department in 1998 as a member of the 117th Trooper Recruit School.  Over the course of her 25-year career, she has served in positions at the Corunna Post, Training Division and MSP Headquarters. She served as the commander of the Legal Resource and Education Section and as a member of the Professional Standards Section and Government Relations Section.  

Brimacombe has a Juris Doctor degree from Michigan State University College of Law, graduating Summa Cum Laude and earning eight Jurisprudence Achievement Awards. She also has a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Walsh College. A native of the Waterford area, she has lived in the Owosso area for over 20 years, and now she and her family live in Laingsburg.  

Brimacombe’s promotion is effective Dec. 24, 2023.

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