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First Quarter Decisions 2023

This is a list of decisions issued by the Tribunal from January-March 2023. The actual Opinions may be viewed by clicking on the docket number. If you do not have Adobe Reader on your system, you will need to download a free copy of Adobe Reader in order to view the Opinions.

Docket No. Case Name Issue Date
21-000039 Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company vs. Michigan Department of Treasury 1/23/2023
21-003440 Michiana Recycling & Disposal Services, Inc. vs. Michigan Department of Treasury 1/24/2023
20-002393 Wal-Mart Stores East LP vs. Township Of Big Rapids 1/25/2023
21-002888 Jeffrey C. Mertz vs. Michigan Department of Treasury 1/31/2023
20-004417 John Roszatycki vs. City Of Bay City 2/2/2023
22-000568 Jerry C Reeves vs. Township Of Addison 2/3/2023
22-002549 Riaz Ahmad vs. Michigan Department of Treasury 2/27/2023
20-003825 Dicastal North America Inc. vs. City Of Greenville 2/28/2023
19-003955 McLaren Health Care Corporation vs. Township Of Grand Blanc 3/15/2023

Cambridge Square Of Grand Rapids Associates I, A Limited Dividend Housing Association, and Cambridge Square of Grand

Rapids Associates II, a Limited Dividend Housing Association vs. City Of Grand Rapids
