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The Michigan Tax Tribunal would like to keep the public informed of recent developments and new or revised procedures at the Tax Tribunal. To do this we have initiated a GovDelivery (formerly ListServe) service to provide subscribers updates of proposed changes in administrative rules, new cases, procedural developments, changes to the Tribunal's website and other useful information. Below is a list of past updates.

If you would like to be added to our GovDelivery subscription list click on
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4/6/2015 GovDelivery

3/16/2015 GovDelivery

3/3/2015 GovDelivery

2/4/2015 GovDelivery

1/2/2015 GovDelivery


12/15/2014 GovDelivery

11/17/2014 GovDelivery

10/17/2014 GovDelivery

10/7/2014 GovDelivery

9/4/2014 GovDelivery

8/11/2014 GovDelivery

7/1/2014 GovDelivery

6/9/2014 GovDelivery

5/9/2014 GovDelivery

5/1/2014 GovDelivery

4/24/2014 GovDelivery

4/8/2014 GovDelivery

3/10/2014 GovDelivery

2/13/2014 GovDelivery

2/3/2014 GovDelivery

1/21/14 GovDelivery


8/27/13 - List Serve Message

4/15/13 - List Serve Message

3/21/13 - List Serve Message

3/4/13 - List Serve Message


8/16/12 - List Serve Message

7/10/12 - List Serve Message

5/25/12 - List Serve Message


6/23/11 - List Serve Message

5/27/11 - List Serve Message

3/11/11 - List Serve Message

1/25/11 - List Serve Message


5/24/10 - List Serve Message

2/3/10 - List Serve Message


10/19/09 - List Serve Message

7/10/09 - List Serve Message

6/3/09 - List Serve Message


12/20/07 - List Serve Message

9/11/07 - List Serve Message

6/14/07 - List Serve Message

2/21/07 - List Serve Message


12/29/06 - List Serve Message

10/20/06 - List Serve Message

3/1/06 - State Tax Scheduling Order; Continuing Education Classes; Expedited Hearings & Summary Disposition Motions

2/1/06 - Extensions of Time (TN 2005-9); Small Claims Answer Forms-Service; Global Settlement of utility personal property claims; legislation re: correcting property assessment errors


12/16/05 - Oral Argument (TN 2005-7); Extensions of Time (TN 2005-9); Global Settlement of utility personal property claims; Survey on State Tax Issues

11/16/05 - Oral Argument (TN 2005-7) comment period; MACPA training seminar; Small Claims processing update; Consent Judgments; State (non-property) tax appeals

10/7/05 - Extensions of Time (TN 2005-9), public comment period

9/13/05 - MAA Conference; Appointment: John Gilbreath; Oral Argument (TN 2005-7); Motion Practice (TN 2005-8); Administrative Rules amendment

6/30/05 - Public Comment (TN 2005-7, 2005-8); Full Panel Decisions: Consumers Energy v Madison Hts., DTE & MichCon v 71 taxing jurisdictions; Obsolete Board of Review forms

5/3/05 - Ad Law Judge and Student Training; Seminar: Institute for professionals in Taxation; Refunds of Filing Fees (TN2005-4)

4/15/05 - Full Panel Decision re: discovery requests: Compuware Corp v Michigan Department of Treasury

3/16/05 - Mailing process of Final Decisions (TN 2005-3); DTE & MichCon scheduling process; Construction projects & parking updates

2/11/05 - Utility Multiplier Status Conference; Selection of 100 DTE and MichCon cases and Scheduling Order

1/27/05 - Defect-Default procedure (TN 2005-1); Exhibit Delivery/Building Access (TN 2005-2)


12/7/04 - Ottawa Building security procedures; Discovery materials re: Occidental Dev, Docket No. 292745, Notice 2004-5; Liberty Hill decision not precedential; State Tax Comm, Docket No. 280180; Oral Argument re: MCL 205.28(1)(f)

10/8/04 - New Tribunal members, Trepeck and Lee; Decisions of interest: Consumers Energy, Dow Corning; Twentieth Century Fox; Liberty Hill Housing; Ford Motor Co.; National Conference of State Tax Judges; Tribunal member Victoria Enyart featured speaker

8/18/04 - New address for Tax Tribunal; Security protocol for appearances at the Tribunal

7/28/04 - Rewrite of Tribunal Rules; Comment site on the web page; Issuance of two Tribunal Notices re: witness and exhibit lists and adjournment of prehearing conference deadlines

6/29/04 - June 30 deadline for valuation appeals; Facsimile filing of appeals unacceptable

6/24/04 - Meetings with Southeastern Michigan Assessors Association and Michigan Association of Certified Public Accountants; Fillable Small Claims forms online; move to Ottawa Building; Revision of Tribunal Rules; Five new Tribunal Notices

4/2/04 - Small Claims hearing sites on web; Docket Cards online

3/5/04 - Survey Release; Order in Dow Corning, Docket No. 237925, 247608; Order in Occidental Dev, Docket No. 292745, re: discovery practice; Bureau of Hearings ALJ assistance

1/27/04 - Introduction to Tribunal's ListServe; Elimination of Video Recording; Elimination of Hearing General Call; Recent Decisions; Expanded Website