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Lt. Gov. Brian Calley and Julie Calley recognize Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Week


LANSING, Mich. – Lt. Gov. Brian Calley issued the following statement in observance of Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Week in Michigan, which starts today and ends on Valentine’s Day. Click here to watch the video.

Lt. Gov. Brian Calley: "Nearly 40,000 American children are born every year with a heart defect. 1,700 of those children will be born right here in Michigan.

Julie Calley: "Karagan here was one of those 1,700, but now she's happy and healthy because of the excellent care and dedication of talented health care professionals and the encouraging words and prayers from people all across Michigan."

Lt. Gov. Brian Calley: "February 7th through Valentine's Day is Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Week in Michigan. This is an opportunity to raise awareness and offer support to other Michigan families dealing with the CHD."

Julie Calley: "To learn more about early screening for congenital heart defects, or to share your story, visit"
