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Members of the Michigan State Police (MSP) and Michigan Gaming Control Board (MGCB) executed multiple search warrants today at three private residences in Southeast Michigan, as part of an ongoing investigation into individuals suspected of race-fixing.



Allegations of Race-Fixing Investigated


March 4, 2010                                                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE


Members of the Ontario Racing Commission are also involved in the investigation.  Members of the Michigan State Police (MSP) and Michigan Gaming Control Board (MGCB) executed multiple search warrants today at three private residences in Southeast Michigan, as part of an ongoing investigation into individuals suspected of race-fixing.   , MICH. LANSING


It should be noted that the race tracks have been working and cooperating fully with investigators and are not under investigation. Investigators have identified as many as 30 harness driver, trainers, owners, and gamblers who are believed to have conspired to predetermine the outcome of certain harness horse races at Hazel Park Harness Raceway, Northville Downs and Sports Creek Raceway, to earn a profit through fraudulent wagering.


"The MSP takes these allegations seriously and is working closely with the MGCB to fully investigate these allegations and any race-related illegal activity." "Anyone attempting to fraudulently influence the outcome of a horse race or to profit through fraudulent wagering is guilty of a felony," said Col. Peter C. Munoz, Director of the MSP.


"Competitors can be assured races will be conducted fairly and those placing wagers should feel confident they have a fair chance to win." "The MGCB is committed to ensuring the highest standards of integrity in Michigan's horse racing industry," said Rick Kalm, Executive Director of the MGCB.


 Phone Number: 1-888-314-2682.    MGCB Anonymous Tip Line The   Information can be left anonymously. .(517) 336-3437 or the MSP at (517) 241-1426 Anyone with information about these allegations or other race-related illegal activities is encouraged to call the MGCB at  No other information about the ongoing investigation is being released at this time.   



CONTACT:  (517) 241-0136Rick Kalm, Executive Director, Michigan Gaming Control Board                   
(734) 525-4191Insp. Ellis Stafford, MSP Criminal Investigation Division,