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CROWN: April 2021 - ADA Compliance Division

The ADA Compliance Division and the Community Engagement Division will begin hosting the following virtual forums in April 2021:

Critical Conversations: Building Bridges with Law Enforcement and Persons with Disabilities


The Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES) and other county and local law enforcement entities are seeking input on best practices, training, and cultural competency to improve their interactions with the disability community. The Michigan Department of Civil Rights (MDCR) has agreed to host a number of virtual sessions to bring law enforcement and disability advocates together on the topic of law enforcement and disability.

Internal Forums

These forums will bring MCOLES and other law enforcement representatives to the table with regional and statewide disability advocates to discuss concerns and ideas related to policing policies, education, training, etc.

Community Forums

These forums will allow members of the public to share their experiences, ideas, and concerns with law enforcement and our disability partners.

Schedule Breakdown

Each forum will be held from 3:30 - 5:00 pm. The following regions and dates have been identified for virtual forums:

  • Upper Michigan: Upper Peninsula, Traverse City, Saginaw, etc.
    • April 21 - Internal Forum
    • April 28 - Community Forum
  • Western Michigan: West of Lansing/U.S. 127; Muskegon, Grand Rapids, Holland, etc.
    • May 5 - Internal Forum
    • May 12 - Community Forum
  • Eastern Michigan: East of Lansing/U.S. 127; Flint, Jackson, etc.
    • May 19 - Internal Forum
    • May 26 - Community Forum
  • Southeastern Michigan: Detroit, Ann Arbor, etc.
    • June 2 - Internal Forum
    • June 9 - Community Forum

Additional strategy sessions will be held between law enforcement and our disability partners once the regional forums have concluded.

On Monday, April 23, 2021 (tentative), the ADACD will host the U.S. Access Board for training State of Michigan facilities management employees on the ADA standards, ABA standards, accessible facilities, and exterior areas. 

On Tuesday, April 27, 2021, Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) will conduct a training for the State ADA coordinators.  That training is entitled Windmills.  Windmills is a standard training module MRS utilizes for customers.  This training will focus on general disability etiquette and cultural competency. 

We have also been working in tandem with MRS and MDHHS to help them create and promote their presentation, Coping with COVID: Mental Health and Mindfulness Support for Persons with Disabilities and Other Vulnerable Individuals.

We will be recording this presentation on April 16 and MDCR will be hosting a live Facebook Premiere of the video the 3rd or 4th week of April. Date to be determined.