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Enforcement Update - June 2021

The Enforcement Division continues to focus on providing excellent customer service and conducting thorough evaluation and investigation of allegations of unlawful discrimination. For FY 21 to date (October 1, 2020 - May 28, 2021) Intake Civil Rights Claims Examiners and CRIs who conduct intake processed 3,277 complaint issue cases of which 1,989 were closed with SOCs, 531 are pending in evaluation or initiation, and 757 were moved to investigation (305 EEOC, 293 MDCR-only, and 159 HUD). Our current formal complaint inventory is 2,485 open investigations. Case completions for FY 21 (October 1-September 30) by staff as of May 28 are 363 EEOC cases and 328 MDCR-only cases; our HUD FY 21 contract measurement period (July 1-June 30) case completions by staff to date are 187 HUD cases. Our work is a collective team effort, and each Enforcement colleague has a vital role in providing customer service and processing work. 

Team recognition this month goes to the Diagonal Slice Solutions Team which consisted of a representative from each Enforcement team along with the CRM/Supervisor, Director White, Mary Engelman, and leadership from Enforcement and Legal who met beginning in January 2021 to focus on areas of concern/needing improvement and recommendations for solutions.  After multiple meetings, participation, and input from all, we're pleased to announce the implementation of:

  • Triage Process effective May 17, 2021, which is an operational change for the investigation of certified complaints that will assist to provide greater efficiencies in the investigation process for claimants, respondents, and CRIs.    
  • Quarterly expectations and new submission dates for case completions effective June 1, 2021 (non-housing CRIs) and July 1, 2021 (housing CRIs), which will provide greater flexibility to CRIs in meeting their case completion expectations. 

Thank you Amanda, Bobbie, Cari, David, Demetrius, Jeff, Keesha, Karyn, Kimberly H, Marlene, Melissa, Patty, Rene H, Renee K, Sonya H, Sonya M, Tiara, Tracey, and Valerie for your assistance with making improvements to our operational processes!

Last, but certainly not least, individual recognition this month goes to CRI Todd Walker for being the first reported CRI to utilize the Triage Process and complete two Category 1 investigations, and to Acting CRM Tiara Yakini who approved the completions. Awesome job Todd and Tiara!!