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Communications Office

March 2021

Communications just finished the #FourInFocus social media campaign for #BlackHistoryMonth. Look for the image elsewhere in CROWN of the way the Michigan Department of Corrections has been sharing our messages and expanding our reach.

Vicki is finishing up the annual report and may be reaching out to some of you for a quote, a fact or a figure to help flesh out some feature stories and data sets. Vicki also has been at work on comments for the Director’s various presentations and speaking engagements and responding to media inquiries.

Communications recently issued a joint release with MAPAAC on anti-Asian bigotry, statements celebrating the HUD LGBT equality decision and the National Day on Racial Healing. JJ has been busy developing content for the upcoming #DeafHistory Month campaign, working on daily clips, assisting the Division on Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing with their newsletter, and managing our social media accounts. JJ also attends various MDCR meetings to keep apprised of events the department is taking part of and she continues to be the livestreamer for MDCR meetings. Jackie has been assisting Communications with her design and webmaster skills as well as spearheading the writing and publication of the CROWN newsletter.