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Executive Office Update - Mary Engelman

March 2021

Thank you to those who joined us for our first virtual Monthly Connect held on Friday, February 19.  The theme was being “Healthy at Home.”  Our special guest, trainer Osalia Zafir with ON Fitness & Nutrition, gave samples of healthy foods while showing us some easy exercises we can do from home.

There was a common “no surprise” theme among the foods we should be consuming - green veggies, any type of grilled white fish, olive oil and beans or rice. I would also note that portion control was key - Osalia recommended meals following this structure: protein (3.5 ounces), veggies (3 ounces), and starches (¼ cup.)  

In terms of aches and pains, stretching will help release tension. Furthermore, if you are like me, my “office” chair is not an ergonomic one. Osalia recommended an exercise ball instead of a chair, which not only helps with back aches but will also improve your posture. I would just caution you to purchase a cradle for the exercise ball so that it is stabilized. 

Please watch for some meal ideas (not recipes) which will be coming your way soon along with some information on nutrition and how to be healthier. We are in the process of setting up the next Monthly Connect and I hope you all can join us for this one!  We look forward to connecting with you soon!