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Department Launches Monthly Connect Series, Holds First Virtual Event

March 2021

The department's first Monthly Connect virtual lunch meeting, "Healthy at Home", was held on Friday, February 19. Several staff members joined Deputy Director Mary Engelman and personal trainer Osalia Zafir from ON Fitness & Nutrition to learn about ways to stay healthy at home, including nutrition advice and simple exercises you can do in your home office.

The next session of our Monthly Connect series, "Ergonomics When Working From Home", will be held on March 18 from 12-1 p.m. This training, provided by Michigan Rehabilitation Services, will have participants reviewing their home offices for ergonomic adjustments in addition to providing other helpful information and tips. Stay tuned for more information via email.

The goal of the Monthly Connect meetings is to build comradery and rapport as we continue to work from home during the pandemic. Each month will focus on a different topic and will be held on Zoom.

If you have any suggestions for future topics, please email Jackie Debusschere at