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You Are Important! The Art of Self-Care

May 2021

Have you ever heard the saying, "You can't pour from an empty cup"? Now more than ever, it is incredibly important to practice self-care to prevent burnout and reduce stress.

Self-care looks different for everyone. We asked you to share what you do for self-care. Here are some things staff do to put themselves first:

Kim Woolridge:

Below are several things I do for self-care:

  • Meditate
  • Exercise
  • Color (adult and children's coloring books)
  • Painting
  • Bubble baths
  • Set boundaries- learn to say no.

Alex Baron:

My self-care regimen consists of:

  • Having 1 self-pampering day per month where I work on my beautification (lol). This usually consists of giving myself a manicure/pedicure, applying a hair and/or face mask and taking a nice, long bath.
  • Take a 3-4 week vacation every year to travel and visit family.
  • Surround myself with positive people. Having that go to friend/family member/partner who can lift my spirit when I am down is a must.
  • Be thankful for the good and the not so good and say it out loud.
  • Finding enjoyable ways to exercise each week, my favorite is dancing.
  • I sleep in and rest on my days off work, so no alarm.            

Kelley Frake:

  • Investing in Personal Appearance
    • This is not for everyone, but for me, just doing my make-up, wearing the cute outfit I like, or taking some extra time on skincare in the evening can really make me feel more comfortable and confident in what I'm doing. Sometimes I just put a dress and heels on for the fun of it, lol! Even though I'm not going anywhere, it helps to know I can still get dolled up just for me.
  • Clean and Comfortable Space
    • Having a cluttered or messy space really amplifies my anxiety. Part of my self-care is to clean and organize my space. Just cleaning a single room can oftentimes give me a boost and make me feel more safe and secure.
  • Plants and Green Space
    • Seeing the plants come back to life, cutting flowers from my garden, and looking at images of nature can be very soothing.
  • Get Out of the House
    • I try to leave the house every day, even if it's just to take the dog for a walk. Getting up and out helps alleviate feelings of stagnation that lead to depressive tendencies. It helps clear my mind to look at something different than the walls of my house.
  • Eating Healing/Comforting Foods
    • There are certain meals I like to make/eat when I'm not feeling my best. They tend to make me feel better from the inside out, almost like they have a calming or healing effect. Some examples for me include Bibimbop, Flaky Biscuits, Sizzling Rice Soup, Chicken and Dumplings, Taco Rice, Warm Cherry Pie, etc.

Patty Barrera:

  • Spend quality time with family and friends.
  • Take a walk or run. Exercise and eat healthy.
  • Encourage others.
  • Spiritual care.

Mary Engelman:

  • Cooking is my stress relief! I love to cook and I love how it makes people feel when they eat my food.

Other suggestions:

  • Disconnect from work - take scheduled time to yourself where you don't check your work phone or email.
  • Take a break from social media.
  • Do one thing every day that makes you happy.