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Data Collection

This committee is charged with reviewing strategies to collect statewide data to enable policymakers and law enforcement to assess progress in their efforts to tackle this growing problem.

2022 Committee Reports

Throughout 2022, the committee continued work on its primary project of creating standards for human trafficking data collection. The goal of this project is to identify types of data that will be most useful for service providers to track, with the goal of providing guidance for agencies.

Beginning the year with a draft document defining a victim typology and service list drawn from definitions found in federal grant reporting requirements for human trafficking service providers, the committee invited stakeholders to discuss the proposed categories and data collection methodologies.

The committee then finalized a standardized data reporting framework specifically for victim services providers with categories for victim typology and services provided. The standards for human trafficking data collection were recommended for adoption by the full Commission who approved the standards and recommended their posting on the website.

Now that the data set is identified, the committee will work with stakeholders to begin implementation of the standardized data collection. The committee will then begin collecting data from service providers across the state to provide a periodic snapshot of trends in human trafficking victimization and service provision across Michigan. Ultimately, the committee intends to publish this data on the Commission’s webpage as a valuable resource, especially for organizations applying for grants and crafting policy and legislation.

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