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Student Loan Resources

Types of Student Loans

The terms for different student loan programs, including amount, interest rate and repayment terms can vary greatly from program to program. It is important to be an educated borrower and review the terms of each program prior to accepting any loan funds. Federal student loans are administered through one of two federal loan programs - the Federal Direct Loan Program or the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP). As of July 1, 2010, no new loans are available through FFELP.

Paying for education after High School is a lifelong investment in achieving life's goals. Getting there may require the assistance of resources including the Federal and State Governments, private financial institutions, family contributions and individual savings.

Understanding Student Loans    Paying for College in Michigan

Who Is My Loan Servicer?

There are several student loan servicers in Michigan making it difficult to keep track of them all.

Find My Servicer

Additional Resources

woman writing on dry erase board

Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program

The Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program is intended to encourage individuals to enter and continue in the teaching profession. Wondering whether you can get your federal student loans forgiven for your service as a teacher?

Learn More
dentist performing check-up

State Loan Repayment Program

The State Loan Repayment Program helps employers recruit and retain primary medical, dental, and mental healthcare providers by providing loan repayment to those entering into service obligations.

Learn More
woman wearing face mask and goggles

Michigan Nursing Scholarship Repayment

Recipients of the Michigan Nursing Scholarship who had their scholarship reverted to a loan because they did not fulfill the enrollment or work commitment can now make payments online.

Paying online is quick, easy, secure and available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Make a Payment