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Chippewa Correctional Facility (URF)

Administration building at Chippewa Correctional Facility

Chippewa Correctional Facility (URF)

Chippewa County

Warden James Corrigan
4269 W. M-80
Kincheloe, MI 49784
Directions (Bing Maps)

Region 1 - Chippewa County

Telephone: 906-495-2275
Open: 1989
Gender/Age Limit: Males, 18 and older


Chippewa Correctional Facility consists of an East and West side; the East side consists of three Level II housing units with 240 beds each; one Level IV housing unit with 192 beds; a Level I unit with 120 beds; a 96-bed segregation unit and a 22-bed detention unit. The West side of the facility, formerly Straits Correctional Facility, has dormitory-style Level II housing. There are eight Level II Housing Units which have 140 beds each. The facility includes an administration building, maintenance department, and warehouse. There is a Health Care unit, Food Service unit, and a Programs/School building location on both the East and West sides of the facility.  



Programs include academic and vocational instruction, work assignments, general and law library services, group counseling, substance abuse treatment, horticulture, recreational and religious programs, and cognitive behavior restructuring programming.

We provide an extensive range of self-help programs: AA/NA, Substance Abuse (Phase II), and a number of cognitive restructuring programs including Thinking for a Change, and Violence Prevention to assist with anger management and decision making in all areas of one's life. There is also MiDVP (Michigan Domestic Violence Programming).

The Facility works with the Michigan Leader Dogs for the Blind. Trained prisoners raise and train puppies for future Leader Dogs so they may return to the Leader Dog campus for formal training. Graduate dogs successfully serve individuals who are blind or visually impaired.  This program ensures puppies are raised by a select team of offenders in a safe, secure environment that emphasizes the rehabilitative nature of caring for an animal.

Almost every religious faith is represented in our current prison population.

We also offer the following leisure time activities: recreation, hobby craft, music, writing, poetry, and art programs.
Prisoners are provided with on-site routine medical, dental and mental health care. Serious problems are treated at the department's Duane L. Waters Health Care in Jackson and emergencies are referred to a local hospital.



The perimeter of the facility consists of a double chain link fence with sensor alarms, concertina wire, security cameras and a response vehicle.