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One Day with God

The Michigan Department of Corrections is committed to fostering successful family reunification. In collaboration with Forgiven Ministry, the transformative power of the One Day with God (ODWG) camp has been instrumental in strengthening the bonds between thousands of children and their parents who are currently housed in an MDOC facility.

The ODWG camp is a two-day event held on Friday and Saturday.

On Friday, the incarcerated mothers and fathers attend an all-day seminar focused on instruction, love, leadership, and integrity, all of which prepare them to reunite with their children. They also decorate a picture with a message to their children and prepare a gift bag with a handwritten letter.

On Saturday, the children (accompanied by two trained mentors per family) enter the facility to meet their parents. This marks the beginning of a day filled with activities that not only bring healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation but also reshape family dynamics. 

Each activity brings the children and parents together with games, crafts, sharing, and bonding. 

The first ODWG camp in Michigan was held in 2009 at the Women’s Huron Valley Correctional Facility. Since then, 80 camps have been held, with two more camps scheduled for 2024.

The One Day with God camp is Christian-based, but all faiths are welcome to participate.

Click here to learn more about Forgiven Ministries. 

Updated: 08/12/2024