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In-Reach is the lynch pin of the reentry process, as it provides the link between a returning citizen’s time while incarcerated and the outside world.  Prisoners can be designated for In-Reach services by the parole board, which will look at factors such as the prisoner’s risks and needs, including the need for stable housing upon parole.  In-Reach staff are problem solvers, working collaboratively with the men and women returning to the community to ensure they are prepared for their release.  In-Reach offers an opportunity to discuss living arrangements, build on strengths, and plan for any possible obstacles to success.  

While prisoners should be planning for their release throughout their term of incarceration, In-Reach is an opportunity for designated cases to do intensive planning in the period immediately prior to release.  In-Reach staff meet with returning citizens to find appropriate post release placement, answer questions, finalize case plans, and organize transition team meetings.  Transition team meetings provide the returning citizen an opportunity to meet virtually with their assigned parole/probation agent in the community, as well as other Offender Success and Community partners there to ensure their success.   


Updated: 04/22/22