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Parole Release Unit

Within the Program Development Section, the Parole Release Unit (PRU) coordinates the timely placement and release of all prisoners from correctional institutions within the State of Michigan to placements in the community. Prompted by a notice of a positive parole decision by the Parole Board, the PRU documents the decision, parole date, parole term and special conditions of parole for each offender. The PRU ensures that required notifications are sent to affected prosecutors, registered crime victims, Correctional Facilities Administration (CFA) staff and prisoners. The Unit also coordinates Holmes Youthful Trainee placement investigations statewide, and oversees the follow-up by Field Operations Administration (FOA) and CFA staff, medical personnel and contractors on cases deferred for parole action by the Board in the interest of developing suitable living arrangements or mental health treatment plans in the community.

The PRU is an important partner to community transition teams pursuant to Prisoner Reentry. The PRU works with institution staff as well as field agents to provide a seamless transition from prison to the community by providing information on the offenders proposed placement in the community. As local transition teams conduct in-reach activity with prisoners, the PRU stands ready to revise placement plans to suit changing assessments of prisoners’ needs and identification of employment opportunities and offers of community support. The PRU has limited authority to add special conditions of parole in response to the findings of pre-parole investigators and to take requests from the field agent for the deletion of special conditions to the Parole Board for review and decision prior to parole release.


Updated: 04/22/22