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Are you in need of Food?
Here are some places you'll find help.
  If you are in need of food call the National Hunger Hotline at 800-453-2648 or search the directory of organizations providing assistance
Find a Michigan Food bank near you
Learn about the Food Stamp Program and how to apply 
Grocery Shopping?
First: Plan your menu for the week. Here you will find a helpful menu planner. Next: Now make a grocery list from the menu, then stick with the list.
Grocery Shopping Tips
1) Don't shop when you are hungry.
2) Stick with your grocery list.
3) Compare prices.
4) Check dates on perishable items (diary, meat).
5) Take a calculator to add prices so you don't go over budget.
Person shopping
Fun Recipes
Try these simple and tasty recipes.
  Blueberry Muffins
Frozen Yogurt Pops
Tiny Pizzas
Check out more tasty recipes for people with all kinds of nutritional needs 
Cooking Help
Not sure how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon?
  Here you can find cooking guides and references to help make your meal perfect!
Healthy Eating
  How many servings of different food should I eat?
Healthy eating on a budget
Try this interactive menu planner
Food Poisoning Prevention
Food Safety Common Questions
Food Safety in an Emergency 