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Accident Insurance

Benefits for Life Voluntary Insurance Program: Be safe, be protected, be prepared 

Enhanced Accident Insurance

Accident Insurance from Trustmark® Insurance Company can be used to help pay for unexpected health care expenses due to non-occupational accidents that occur every day, from the soccer field, to the ski slope, and the highway in between. Please watch the Accident Insurance video for more information on this benefit.

With Trustmark's Accident Insurance, you can focus your energy on recovery rather than worry about how you are going to pay your bills. The program offers you the opportunity to apply for coverage in key benefit areas and continue that coverage should you change jobs or retire.

Note: If you are currently not an Accident Insurance policyholder you are only eligible to enroll in the Enhanced Accident Insurance Plan. The 2016 Open Enrollment was the last opportunity to change coverage to the Enhanced Accident Plan if you were enrolled in the Accident Insurance Plan.


When both you and your spouse are eligible for insurance under this policy as an Employee, you may each enroll either as an Employee or the Dependent of an Employee, but not both. Spouse must not be disabled at the time of application.

Valuable Features and Benefits

Trustmark's Accident Insurance includes benefits for accident related expenses such as initial care, injuries, hospitalization, follow-up care, transportation, and lodging to help employees cushion the financial blow of an accident. Additional plan highlights & features:

  • Hospital Admission Benefit - provides a lump sum benefit for admission to a hospital and is payable once per person for each covered accident.
  • Hospital Confinement Benefit - provides a daily benefit for confinement to a hospital and is payable for up to 365 days per person for each covered accident.
  • Hospital ICU Benefit - provides a daily benefit for confinement to a hospital intensive care unit and is payable for up to 15 days per person for each covered accident.
  • Accidental Death Benefit - provides a lump sum benefit for an accidental death that occurs within 90 days of a covered accident.
  • Coverage Options - insure yourself, your spouse, your children and even your financially-dependent grandchildren.
  • Guaranteed Issue for Everyone - no medical questions need to be answered.
  • Guaranteed Renewable and Portable - your policy is yours to keep even if you change jobs or retire.
  • Level Premiums - rates do not increase as you age.
  • No Limitations for Pre-Existing Conditions - benefits are not limited or excluded due to any pre-existing condition.
  • No Integration - benefits paid regardless of any other coverage you have.

Examples for illustration only. Your benefits may differ by injury, services received, and state.

Bi-Weekly Insurance Rate Chart (26 pay-periods/year)

Accident Insurance
(This plan is no longer available
for enrollment as of March 2016)
Accident Insurance
Employee $6.73 $6.83
Employee & Spouse $9.63 $9.84
Employee & Child(ren)* $13.74 $13.91
Family* $16.65 $16.92

*Children can be covered up to age 26 (student status not required).

Accident Insurance Chart

Benefit Accident Insurance*
(This plan is no longer available as of March 2016)
*Coverage may vary by
state of residence.
Accident Insurance*

*Coverage may vary by
state of residence.
Initial Care
Hospital Benefits
Admission Benefit (per Admission) $750 $2000
Confinement Benefit (per day up to 365 days) $200 $400
ICU Benefit (per day up to 15 days) $400 $600
Emergency Room
Treatment $150 $200
Ground $100 $200
Air $500 $1,000
Initial Doctor's Office Visit $50 $100

Lodging (per night up to 30 days per accident) $100 $100
Surgery Benefit
Open, abdominal, thoracic $1,000 $2,000
Exploratory $100 $200
Blood, Plasma, and Platelets $300 $600
Emergency Dental Benefit
Extraction $50 $100
Crown $150 $300
Follow-Up Care
Accident Follow-up Treatment $50 $100
Physical Therapy (up to 6 visits per-person, per accident) $25 $50
Appliance $100 $200
Transportation 100+ miles, up to 3 trips $300 $475
Prosthetic Device or Artificial Limb
More than one $1,000 $2,000
One $500 $1,000
Skin Grafts 25% of burn benefit 25% of applicable burn benefit
Fractures (Open reduction) up to $5,000 up to $10,000
Fractures (Closed reduction) up to $2,500 up to $5,000
Chips 25% of closed amount 25% of closed amount
Open reduction up to $4,000 up to $8,000
Closed reduction up to $2,000 up to $4,000
Laceration $25 to $400 $25-$800
Flat amount for 3rd degree for 35 or more sq. in $10,000 $15,000
3rd degree for 9-34 sq. in $1,500 $2,250
2nd degree for 36% or more of body $750 $1,125
Concussion $100 $200
Eye Injury
Requires surgery or removal of foreign body $200 $400

Herniated Disc $400 $800
Loss of Finger, Toe, Hand, Foot, or Sight
Loss of both hands, feet, sight of both eyes or any combination of two or more losses $15,000 $15,000
Loss of one hand, foot or sight of one eye $7,500 $7,500
Loss of two or more fingers, toes or any combination of two or more losses $1,500 $1,500
Loss of one finger or one toe $750 $750
Tendon/Ligament/Rotator Cuff Injury
Repair of more than one $600 $1,200
Repair of one $400 $800
Exploratory surgery without repair $100 $200
Torn Knee Cartilage $500 $1,000
Exploratory surgery $100 $200
Accidental Death
Employee $25,000 $50,000
Spouse $10,000 $20,000
Child $5,000 $10,000
Accidental Death - Common Carrier
Employee $50,000 $100,000
Spouse $20,000 $40,000
Child $10,000 $20,000
Catastrophic Accident
Employee $100,000 $100,000
Spouse $50,000 $50,000
Child $50,000 $50,000

How Accident Benefits Work

If your child is injured on the soccer field and breaks a leg, here's how the Enhanced Accident Insurance benefits may be paid:

Without a Hospital Stay With a Hospital Stay
Ambulance $200 $200
ER Visit $200 $200
Fractured Leg $1,600 $3,200
Crutches $200 $200
2x Physical Therapy $100 -
6x Physical Therapy - $300
Follow-Up Visit $100 $100
Hospital Admission - $2,000
3-Day Hospital Stay - $800
Total $2,400 $7,000

Review the Accident Insurance Plan Summary by visiting, locate the section on the right side of the page "Benefits for Life (BFL) State of Michigan Voluntary Benefit Program for Active Employees," then select the drop down "Accident Insurance - Trustmark".

Limitations and Exclusions

No benefits will be payable for an injury as the result of a Covered Accident that occurs during any involvement in any period of any type of armed conflict; while riding in or driving any motor-driven vehicle in a race, stunt show or speed test; while operating, learning to operate, serving as a crew member of or jumping or falling from any aircraft, including those which are not motor-driven (this does not include flying as a fare paying passenger in a scheduled or chartered flight operated by a commercial airline); while engaging in hang-gliding, bungee jumping, parachuting, sail gliding, parasailing, Para-kiting or any similar activities; while participating in or practicing for any semi-professional or professional competitive athletic contest in which any compensation is received; while participating or attempting to participate in an illegal occupation, whether or not you are charged with a crime; and while committing or attempting to commit suicide or injuring yourself intentionally, whether you are sane or not. No benefits will be payable due to a work related injury or accident or for sickness or infection including physical or mental condition which is not caused solely by or as a direct result of a Covered Accident. Accident Insurance (Plan Form A607) is underwritten by Trustmark Insurance Company, Lake Forest, IL.

File an Accident Insurance Claim

To file Accident Insurance claims, visit All claims must be filed within 90 days from the date of the accident or as soon as it is reasonably possible, if longer. To update policy information, or for questions about your Trustmark policy, call 800-918-8877.


Covered Accident: An accident causing injury that occurs while coverage is in effect and is not excluded by name or description.

Injury (or Injuries): An accidental bodily injury resulting from a covered accident. It does not include sickness, disease or bodily infirmity. Overuse syndromes typically due to repetitive or recurrent activities, such as osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis, are considered to be a sickness and not an injury.

Non-Occupational Injury: An injury that did not result from a person's work or occupation.

Trustmark Insurance Co. Logo
Accident insurance underwritten by Trustmark Insurance Company, Lake Forest, Illinois. For disclosures, exclusions and limitations that may apply visit 
Trustmark® is a registered trademark of Trustmark Insurance Company.