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Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D)

Benefits for Life Voluntary Insurance Program: Be safe, be protected, be prepared

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D)

Accidents happen every day, sometimes serious enough to cause a critical injury, or even death. Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance is being offered through the State of Michigan to help alleviate the financial burden that can result from a serious accident. Please watch the AD&D Insurance video for more information on this benefit.

Eligible employees and their spouse can enroll in Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance coverage up to $1,000,000 and children up to $15,000 in coverage without medical questions.

The plan certificate can be found by clicking the AD&D benefit's drop-down menu on the right-hand side of

Enrolling for Coverage

The MetLife plans offer several benefit enhancements with lower premium payments on most coverage levels. You may enroll in Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance (AD&D) at any time throughout the year without evidence of insurability.

Plan Feature

Benefit to You

Coverage Options

Employee Only, Employee & Spouse, Employee & Child(ren)

Worldwide Coverage

This plan offers protection on a worldwide basis, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Accidental Death & Specific Loss Benefits

Benefits are payable as follows upon the loss of:

Life, Two Members*, Speech & Hearing, Brain Damage, and Common Carrier Benefit: Principal Sum

One Member*, Speech or Hearing: 1/2 Principal Sum

Thumb and Index Finger of the Same Hand: 1/4 Principal Sum

*Member or Members means hand/hands, foot/feet or eye/eyes.

Catastrophic Benefits

Paralysis - pays benefits when an insured person suffers injuries which result in paralysis (hemiplegia, paraplegia, or quadriplegia).

Coma - pays a monthly benefit while the insured is in a comatose state as a result of an injury.

Family Benefits

Surviving Spouse Education - pays an additional benefit to be used for tuition costs at an accredited school or trade school training program, if insured dies from a covered accident.

Day Care Benefit - pays a benefit for each child enrolled in a day care facility at time of loss.

Child Education Benefit - provides an additional benefit for each dependent child in 12th grade or attending an accredited college, if insured dies from a covered accident.

Extension of Coverage - allows eligible dependents to continue coverage without premium payment for up to 12 months, if insured dies from a covered accident.

Travel Benefits

Airbag Benefit - pays if insured is injured in an automobile accident that is equipped with a factory installed airbag.

Seat Belt Usage - pays additional benefit if insured is wearing a seat belt when injured in an automobile accident.

Travel Benefits (AXA Assistance USA, Inc.) - provides you help during emergencies when you are away from home. Access to emergency and non-emergency services while traveling domestically or internationally up to 180 days, $500,000 maximum medical evacuation and repatriation.

Additional Benefits

Exposure & Disappearance Benefit - accidental exposure to elements covers as though it was an injury, with loss of life presumed after 12 months following disappearance of insured as a result of sinking, wrecking or disappearance of conveyance he/she was riding.

ID Theft - resources to prevent identity theft.

Concierge Services - provide destination location information and services for various business.

Portability - allows you to take your coverage with you when employment ends.

Waiver of Premium - allows you to continue coverage without payment of premium, if it's determined you are totally disabled.

MyBenefits Access

The MyBenefits web site is a tool you can use throughout the year to review your benefits, view and update beneficiaries, calculate your coverage needs, and locate customer support contacts. If this is your first time visiting the site please select the "Register Now" link on the home page to create a username and password.

MyBenefits for State of Michigan Active Employees AD&D Insurance

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Rates

Shown below are bi-weekly rates for Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance.


Amount of Coverage Bi-Weekly Rate
$15,000 $0.19
$30,000 $0.38
$60,000 $0.77
$120,000 $1.55
$240,000 $3.10
$300,000 $3.87
$400,000 $5.16
$500,000 $6.46
$600,000 $7.75
$700,000 $9.04
$800,000 $10.33
$900,000 $11.63
$1,000,000 $12.92


Amount of Coverage Bi-Weekly Rate
$15,000 $0.19
$30,000 $0.38
$60,000 $0.77
$120,000 $1.55
$240,000 $3.10
$300,000 $3.87
$400,000 $5.16
$500,000 $6.46
$600,000 $7.75
$700,000 $9.04
$800,000 $10.33
$900,000 $11.63
$1,000,000 $12.92


Amount of Coverage Bi-Weekly Rate



*This amount will cover all eligible dependents regardless of number of eligible children.

Review the MetLife Accidental Death & Dismemberment rate chart and plan certificate by visiting, locate the section on the right side of the page "Benefits for Life (BFL) State of Michigan Voluntary Benefit Program for Active Employees," then select the drop down "Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance - MetLife."

Important Eligibility Guidelines

You must be actively at work as defined in the policy in order for coverage to take effect. Dependent insurance (for your spouse or children) may also be available, but only when you, as the employee, also select coverage for yourself. A dependent must be performing normal activities and cannot be confined as defined in the policy in order for coverage to take effect. When both you and your spouse are eligible for insurance under this policy as an Employee, you may each enroll either as an Employee or the Dependent of an Employee, but not both. Dependent children can be insured only under one parent.

File an Accidental Death and Dismemberment Claim

To file an Accidental Death and Dismemberment claim, a special service has been set up for the State of Michigan. A beneficiary can call 800-218-4267 and MetLife will take all the required information necessary to file a claim over the phone. If the policy is through Mutual of Omaha the beneficiary can call 800-283-9591.

This insurance plan overview is not intended to provide a complete description of the voluntary benefit coverage. Benefits may not be available in all states. Some exclusions, limitations and reductions may apply. AD&D is underwritten by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10166. Metropolitan Life Insurance Company is licensed in all states. Policy Form GPNP99.

Travel Assistance and Identity Theft Solutions services are administered by AXA Assistance USA, Inc. Certain benefits provided under the Travel Assistance program are underwritten by Certain Underwriters at Lloyd's London (not incorporated) through Lloyd's Illinois, Inc. Neither AXA Assistance USA Inc. nor the Lloyd's entities are affiliated with MetLife, and the services and benefits they provide are separate and apart from the insurance provided by MetLife.

Review the MetLife AD&D Insurance Certificate by visiting, locate the section on the right side of the page "Benefits for Life (BFL) State of Michigan Voluntary Benefit Program for Active Employees," then select the drop down "Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance - MetLife," then "AD&D Insurance certificate."

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