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Local Public Health Department Advisory Committee

The Local Public Health Advisory Committee was originally formed on January 1, 2018, as part of the Michigan PFAS Action Response Team (MPART). Its mission is to ensure consistency and coordination in the evaluation and response to the public health impacts of PFAS in impacted communities throughout Michigan. The Advisory Committee regularly reviews and advises on communication strategies, data sharing, and response activities for all affected Michigan communities.

The Local Public Health Advisory Committee’s objectives are to:

  1. Elevate and address local health department-identified issues, concerns, and requests for assistance.

  2. Develop shared communications protocol with local health departments regarding state and federal agency activities in local communities and coordinate state and local community media communications.

  3. Coordinate data sharing.

  4. Identify and jointly develop action plans for locations and sites as they emerge; including but not limited to, community engagement, responsible party engagement, testing, remediation logistics (e.g. filter distribution, alternative water source), and response budget concerns.

Committee membership includes health officers from impacted local health jurisdictions, MPART, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE).