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Quality Steel (Milford) Drinking Water Response

Quality Steel, Milford, Michigan

Quality Steel (Milford) Drinking Water Response

Updated: January 29, 2020

At Quality Steel in Milford, MI, employees are utilizing bottled water as additional drinking water sampling is being coordinated.

Project History:

As part of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) Statewide Testing Initiative, Quality Steel in Milford Charter Township, Oakland County, was sampled on July 11, 2019.

On August 9, 2019 EGLE drinking water staff received the preliminary results from the July 11 sampling, which showed Quality Steel’s drinking water tested over 70 parts per trillion (ppt) for PFOS + PFOA. The final analytical results arrived on August 12, 2019. These results were:

  • PFOS + PFOA = 201 ppt
    • PFOA = 31 ppt
    • PFOS = 170 ppt
  • PFHpA = 3 ppt
  • MeFOSAA = 600 ppt
  • EtFOSAA = 110 ppt
  • Total PFAS (all of the above) = 914 ppt

Upon receipt of the preliminary results, EGLE immediately informed the supply, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), the Oakland County Health Division (OCHD), and representatives of the Michigan PFAS Action Response Team (MPART). Within hours a teleconference took place to discuss results and recommendations with officials from MDHHS, OCHD, and MPART.  Management at Quality Steel then shared the results with their employees, stopped consuming their well water, and began using bottled water for drinking.

Follow-up sampling was conducted on August 13, 2019; however, this sample was collected from a sample point with a carbon filter in place. This sample returned non-detect (ND) values for all compounds.

EGLE concurrently began an investigation of the area around Quality Steel, including an industrial park and an adjacent residential area, for sources of contamination and to assess any risk of exposure.

Beginning on August 21, 2019, EGLE staff collected investigatory samples at and around the Quality Steel site. Samples were collected from unpermitted stormwater and wastewater discharges, nearby waterways/wetlands, the Quality Steel source well, and nearby residential and commercial properties. None of these samples exceeded established Michigan Water Quality Standards, with the exception of an additional sample taken at the original sample point.

The additional sample taken at the original sample point was collected on September 10, 2019. EGLE received the results of this analysis on October 28, 2019. These results were:

  • PFOS + PFOA = ND
    • PFOA = ND
    • PFOS = ND
  • PFHpA = ND
  • MeFOSAA = 860 ppt
  • EtFOSAA = 41 ppt
  • Total PFAS (all of the above) = 901 ppt

On November 5, 2019 EGLE and OCHD together conducted a sanitary survey at Quality Steel. The purpose of this survey was to locate any sources of PFAS within the building infrastructure and to identify any plumbing cross-connections. No cross-connections were identified during this survey.

EGLE and OCHD were also able to identify an additional sample point for raw water testing. Additional follow-up sampling at this point is being coordinated by EGLE staff. Communications on actions related to this location will be shared on the MPART website.