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2nd Street Lincoln (Lincoln, Alcona County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Lisa Kruse, or 989-370-1424


The site is located at three different property parcels in Lincoln, 220, 222 and 316 S 2nd Street, Lincoln. All three properties make up the site as 2nd Street Lincoln. All three properties were assessed under a Brownfield Site Assessment (BSA) grant from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) so that Alcona County can redevelop the properties. During the review of the BSA sampling plan, it was discovered that there were several potential PFAS sources in the vicinity. 

Due to the proximity of the potential PFAS sources and the reliance of groundwater used for drinking water in the area, sampling of PFAS was requested by EGLE during the BSA grant work. Several groundwater samples were collected and results indicated detections of PFAS exceeding Drinking Water Criteria including 12 part per trillion (ppt) PFOA (compared to 8 ppt), 140 ppt PFOS (compared to 16 ppt) and 15 ppt PFNA (comparted to 6 ppt). Several other PFAS were detected below criteria. The detections exceeding criteria prompted sampling of private drinking water wells in the area.

Based on past investigations at other sites, the groundwater flow direction is to the southwest towards Lincoln Lake. Lincoln Lake is 475 feet west of the site and Brownlee Lake is 0.25 miles northeast of the site.

Content updated November 2024

Site map

See an aerial view of the location of the site and Lincoln Fire and Rescue.

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Drinking water

There is currently no municipal water available in the area. Residents and businesses rely on drinking water wells.  13 drinking water wells have been sampled. Only one drinking water well result exceeded Drinking Water Criteria for PFOA at 13 ppt (compared to 8 ppt). Residents and businesses that are within the sampling area have been given a sampling form through door-knocking by EGLE staff. The focus sampling area includes along 2nd street including Friske Street and Hawley Street, between Trask Lake Road and E Traverse Bay State Road. Additional sampling is southwest of East Traverse Bay State Road and South Lake Street.

Anticipated activities

Resampling of drinking water wells will continue to be offered in the initial sampling area. Expanding the sampling area is not currently anticipated.