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Hartley & Hartley Landfill (Bay City, Bay County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Diana Klida, or 989-280-7687.


The property located at 2370 South Two Mile Road, known as Hartley & Hartley, is an old sand quarry that began in the late 1950s. The property was also partially used for waste disposal from 1962 to 1978. The facility was licensed as a waste disposal facility in 1966. Typical waste disposed there included municipal solid waste and industrial wastes. PFAS was found after EGLE requested site-specific sampling efforts to take place in December 2021 after treated leachate samples were found to exceed PFAS criteria. Groundwater analytical results identified exceedances in four monitoring wells, one of which contained 97 ppt PFOA (compared to 8 ppt).

The regional flow direction is east-northeast toward Saginaw Bay. Groundwater either flows toward the Tobico Lagoon or is captured by the Indian Town Drain (ITD). Shallow groundwater and surface water in the south and west areas of the site is diverted south toward the ITD. Shallow groundwater and surface water in the east and north sides of the site typically flows east or northeast toward Tobico Lagoon.

Content posted May 2024.


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Drinking water information

Municipal drinking water is available. EGLE, DHHS, and local health verified there are no known residential drinking water wells in the area.

Anticipated activities

EGLE plans to request additional sampling of groundwater to delineate the extent of contamination.