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Former City of Cheboygan Landfill (Cheboygan, Cheboygan County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Lisa Kruse, or 989-370-1424


The former City of Cheboygan Sanitary Landfill is located southeast of the Lincoln Avenue and Eastern Avenue intersection was an unregulated dumping area until operations ceased in 1981. Following closure of the landfill in the 1980’s, a clay cap was installed over filled areas.

In 2019, as a response to an environmental complaint, EGLE collected a round of groundwater samples from two existing on-site monitoring wells (MW-2 and MW-7) that were accessible and suitable for sampling. Various PFAS were detected above criteria in the monitoring well samples. The highest PFAS concentrations were in the sample from MW-7 and are as follows: 37.4 ppt PFOS (compared to 16 ppt) and 16.3 ppt PFOA (compared to 8 ppt).

Groundwater flows north toward Duncan Bay and the Straits of Mackinac’s South Channel. A drain crosses through the southwest corner of the property and extends to the northeast. Drainage ditches surround the property and connect to wetlands located between the property and Duncan Bay/the Straits of Mackinac’s South Channel.

Content posted September 2024

Site map

An aerial view of the site, including boundaries, groundwater flow direction, and monitoring well locations.

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Drinking water information

The City of Cheboygan maintains a municipal drinking water system sourced from groundwater; however, the system does not extend to the area immediately surrounding the site.

The closest municipal water mains are located along Lafayette Avenue and East State Street. Residential drinking water wells are the primary source of drinking water for properties in the immediate vicinity of the former landfill.

As of August 7, 2024, one residential drinking water well located approximately 0.5-miles upgradient of the landfill has been sampled. Results were non-detect for PFAS. 

Anticipated activities

EGLE, DHHS, and local health identified one additional residential drinking water well downgradient of the site. If access is granted, the residential well will be sampled.

Additional activities may include the installation of temporary monitoring wells on-site to collect supplemental groundwater samples to evaluate PFAS distribution across the site.