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Demmer Corporation (LOC Performance Products, Inc.) (Lansing, Ingham County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Sam Cairns, or 517-898-4058


The Demmer Corporation (Demmer), site was a wheel manufacturing plant located at 1600 North Larch Street, Lansing, Michigan, and operated from 2007 to 2017. Prior to that, the site was used for wheel manufacturing for many years by other entities. The plant is currently owned by LOC Performance Products, Inc., which manufactures armored equipment and vehicles for the defense industry. The site is currently being remediated under the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, as amended (RCRA), Corrective Action Program, which is overseen by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U. S. EPA). In 2000, contaminants were discovered in soil and groundwater, and a site-wide investigation was started. In May 2022, the U. S. EPA requested that Demmer conduct additional groundwater sampling, including for PFAS.

In April 2023, Demmer’s consultant completed groundwater monitoring activities and found that PFAS concentrations exceeded groundwater cleanup criteria in six wells. The highest concentration for PFOA was 670 ppt, and the highest for PFOS was 910 ppt. Groundwater flow is south to southeast across the site in the upper aquifer. The Grand River is the nearest surface water, and it is about 0.25 miles west-southwest from the source area. There are currently no known impacts to surface water bodies.


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Drinking water

Municipal water is supplied by the Lansing Board of Water and Light (BWL). According to EGLE’s Water Well Viewer, the nearest supply well is BWL Well 25-19, which is located approximately 700 feet west of the site and installed to a depth of 443 feet. The second nearest supply well is BWL Well 25-18, which is located approximately 825 feet southwest of the site and installed to a depth of 410 feet.

A groundwater ordinance prohibiting the installation of drinking water wells exists in this portion of Lansing, with exceptions for public utility well installations and maintenance. The DHHS and LHD have verified that there are no nearby residential wells. 

Anticipated activities

Based on the analytical results of the sitewide groundwater investigation in the spring of 2023, additional investigation at the Site is anticipated to occur, to delineate the extent of contamination.

Remediation and investigation are currently being done under the RCRA Corrective Action Program with the U. S. EPA as the lead agency.