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North State Road Area of Interest (Ionia, Ionia County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Dan Ten Brink, or 616-581-1473.


PFAS sampling results for the community water supply wells at Evergreen Mobile Home Community (MHC) showed low-level detections of two PFAS compounds. A review of potential PFAS sources in the area was inconclusive, but the potential for aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) use in response to a local vehicle, house and/or tire fires was suggested. The tire fire property has been sampled and the AFFF does not appear to be the source of the PFAS in the area.

Municipal water supply is unavailable in the area, and local residences and businesses are on drinking water wells. The area with the detections is in a wellhead protection area. Regional groundwater flow is to the southeast.

Content posted June 2023.

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Drinking water

Municipal water is not available in the area. Residential well sampling conducted in August 2021, September 2021, and June 2022 included 28 drinking water wells. Six homes had PFAS concentrations that exceed criteria, four homes had detections below criteria, and 18 homes were non-detect for PFAS analyzed.

Anticipated activities

EGLE will work with DHHS and Ionia County Health Department to replace six drinking water wells at the homes that had detections above criteria. The PFAS impacted drinking water wells will be abandoned.

Historical Timeline

    • In August 2021, EGLE collected samples at 13 drinking water wells.
    • In August and September 2021, EGLE worked with MDHHS and the local health department to communicate results to property owners and rental tenants.  Alternate drinking water is being provided to locations where any PFAS has been detected. 
    • On June 22, 2022, EGLE collected six (6) additional residential drinking water samples. One well had detections but below criteria. Five results were non-detect.
    • In August 2022 EGLE completed 4 soil borings at various properties to assess the regional geology and collect vertical aquifer sampling (VAS) to explore alternative drinking water well options. The VAS sampling event did not identify a viable alternative drinking water aquifer.