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Ashley Avenue Disposal Area (Grattan Township, Kent County)

Disclaimer: Web content may not be routinely updated on this page.

Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Leah Gies, or 616-215-4781.

Waste Disposal Questions

Please note that this is an alleged industrial waste dump site. It is not a landfill and has never accepted residential waste.


This site is physically located in Grattan Township but has a Belding mailing address. The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) received a credible complaint in November 2018 from a resident who stated industrial waste, including plating wastes, were discharged directly on the ground surface at three separate areas on the site. EGLE has tested drinking water and groundwater for PFAS and has tested soil and groundwater for metals and volatile organic compounds.

Content updated January 2024.

Drinking water

Fourteen (14) residential wells have been tested by EGLE; these results were all non-detect.

Anticipated activities

EGLE has received funding to perform additional investigation of groundwater on the site to determine the nature and extent of contamination.

Historical timeline

  • This site is physically located in Grattan Township but has a Belding mailing address. The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) received a credible complaint in November 2018 from a resident who stated that industrial wastes, including plating wastes, were discharged directly on the ground surface at three separate areas on the site. EGLE has tested drinking water and groundwater for PFAS and has tested soil and groundwater for metals and volatile organic compounds.

    • On December 17, 2018, and January 14 – 16, 2019, EGLE collected soil samples from soil borings installed at three areas on site to test for metals and volatile organic compounds.
    • On January 14 – 15, 2019, EGLE collected samples from five residential wells to test for PFAS. These residents were in the suspected downgradient direction, which, at the time, was believed to be south of the site.
    • On January 22, 2019, EGLE installed and collected groundwater samples from permanent monitoring wells in the three disposal areas identified on-site for PFAS, metals, and volatile organic compounds.
    • On January 24, 2019, EGLE reviewed groundwater elevation data and determined that groundwater flow direction was to the north of the site.
    • On February 6, 2019, EGLE received the results from the January 14 – 15 residential well sampling. All results were Non-Detect for all tested PFAS. MDHHS provided the results to each of the residents.
    • On February 11, 2019, EGLE received the results from the January 14 – 16, 2019 soil sampling event. Soil sample results indicate the presence of metals above generic cleanup criteria.
    • Also on February 11,  2019, EGLE received the results from the January 22, 2019 groundwater sampling event. The highest result was 55 ppt PFOS+PFOA and 58 Total Tested PFAS. 
    • On April 9, 2019, EGLE collected a confirmation round of groundwater samples from the on-site wells. The confirmation samples were collected after the initial round of samples to allow the aquifer to stabilize after it was interrupted by the installation of the monitoring wells.
    • On May 1, 2019, EGLE received the results from the April 9, 2019, groundwater sampling event. One sample was above the EGLE Part 201 groundwater cleanup criteria of 70 ppt PFOS+PFOA. The highest result was 103 ppt PFOS+PFOA and 110 ppt Total Tested PFAS.
    • EGLE provided the results of the April 2019 groundwater sampling event to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and the Kent County Health Department.

    Historical Sampling Table: data is reflective of criteria prior to August 3, 2020:
    PFOS + PFOA Only
    This chart reflects data received prior to August 3, 2020.

    Type of Sample

    Date Sampled

    Number of Samples

    Number of Results Received

    Number of Non-detects

    Number Between Non-detect and standard*

    Number of > Standard


    Jan 2018 - Apr 2019






    Residential Wells

    Jan 2018












    *Groundwater results are compared to EGLE Part 201 Criteria of 70 ppt PFOS+PFOA.
    *Residential well results are compared to the EPA LHA of 70 ppt PFOS+PFOA.

    • In August 2022, EGLE requested access at 12 homes to sample their drinking water wells for PFAS. These homes were located northwest, north, and northeast of the site. EGLE was granted access to 10 of the 12 homes requested.
    • In September 2022, EGLE’s subcontractor, AECOM, resampled the five on-site monitoring wells for PFAS. Two samples were above the Part 201 Criteria for one or more PFAS compounds. The highest results were PFOA at 81 ppt and PFOS at 82 ppt. The highest total tested PFAS result was 1,586 ppt.
    • In September and October 2022, EGLE’s subcontractor, AECOM, sampled the ten residential homes that had granted EGLE access. Results were all non-detect for PFAS.