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Hillsboro Avenue Area of Interest (Grand Rapids, Kent County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Brent Ritchie, or (616) 581-1782.


A homeowner on Hillsboro Avenue SE tested their drinking water well independently and results showed PFAS levels exceeded criteria for PFOA. These results were shared with the local and state health departments and EGLE. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) resampled this home in late September 2022 to confirm the previous independent sampling results. Sampling results were received in November 2022 and showed levels of PFOA at 9.1 ppt (compared to 8 ppt). EGLE staff sampled four nearby homes in February 2023. Three of the five drinking water wells exceeded criteria for either PFOA or PFOS. The highest results in February 2023, were 15 ppt PFOA and 20 ppt PFOS (compared to 16 ppt). There are no known PFAS sources in the immediate residential area, however, potential industrial/commercial sources in the greater area are being investigated.

Groundwater flow direction is unknown but estimated to be to the east toward the Thornapple River, which is located approximately ¾ miles away.

Content posted September 2023.

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Drinking water

Most of the residents in the area are on private drinking water wells and additional well sampling was being conducted as of September 2023. Municipal water is available in some portions of the surrounding area and details on location and extent of municipal water services are being determined.

Anticipated activities

This is an ongoing investigation, and EGLE will continue working with DHHS on the expanded residential well sampling area.