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O E Bieri Industrial Drive Area of Interest (Vergennes Township, Kent County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

Joshua Walker,, 616-840-3567


O E Bieri Industrial Drive Area of Interest is currently occupied by numerous commercial and industrial developments, as well as residential properties to the east and south.

The Area of Interest was discovered after a business owner along the O E Bieri Industrial Drive installed a new water well and conducted sampling as part of the permitting process. Initial sampling results from the well were provided to Kent County Health Department (KCHD) and identified elevated concentrations of the PFAS compound PFNA at 34 ppt (compared to 6 ppt).

In response to this exceedance, KCHD requested a second sample collection to verify the result. The second sample confirmed the initial exceedance. KCHD contacted EGLE concerning the sample and EGLE conducted additional PFAS sampling of commercial properties along the O E Bieri Industrial Drive. The results from this event identified one additional property with an elevated concentration of 13 ppt PFNA (compared to 6 ppt).

Additional PFAS sampling will be conducted in the area.

Groundwater is presumed to generally flow eastward toward the Flat River based on the site topography. It is currently unclear whether any surrounding waterbodies are impacted by PFAS.

Drinking water information

The Area of Interest predominantly consists of commercial and industrial properties with the inclusion of some residential properties to the east and south. All properties in the vicinity of O E Bieri Industrial Drive are currently utilizing private groundwater wells as their primary drinking water source.

Anticipated activities

EGLE will be expanding the drinking water sampling area to include residential properties to the east of the O E Bieri Industrial Drive.