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Glens Sanitary Landfill (Maple City, Leelanau County)

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Please contact the Site Lead for the most up-to-date status of this site.

EGLE site lead

James Staley, or 231-429-1945.

Waste Disposal Questions

Glens Sanitary Landfill: 231-835-3026


Glens Sanitary Landfill, located at 518 M-72 West, is a Type II solid waste landfill and was first licensed under Act 87 in 1975.  Some areas are unlined, some are lined. The original Act 87 unlined area encompasses approximately 13 acres and stopped receiving waste in April 1985. This unlined area was capped in 1985 to 1987 with two feet of soil cover over the waste. The remainder of the landfill is lined.

The landfill is currently operating under a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) that was prepared in 1992. The 1992 RAP was designed to address the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the groundwater. Additional groundwater impacts have been identified at the landfill, including ammonia and dissolved iron, manganese, and arsenic.

Based on the presence of known groundwater impacts at the landfill, EGLE requested that select wells be sampled for PFAS.

Groundwater flows to the east. The depth to groundwater at the landfill ranges from approximately 20 feet to greater than 90 feet, with a thickness of between 15 feet to 50 feet. The saturated zone is underlain by an impermeable clay layer. Groundwater data suggests that there are no surface waterbodies or residential wells that have been impacted by the landfill.

Content posted November 2020.

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Drinking water

Because downgradient landfill monitoring well samples are below Part 201 Criteria and/or non-detect, residential well sampling is not anticipated. EGLE will continue to work with the local health department as necessary.

Anticipated activities

Continued groundwater monitoring as stipulated by the current Hydrogeologic Monitoring Plan and Remedial Action Plan associated with the landfill.

Historical timeline

    • On October 15 and 17, 2019, Gosling Czubak Engineering Sciences, Inc., collected four groundwater samples from select monitoring wells at the landfill.  
    • On January 21, 2020, EGLE received the sample results.  Results from monitoring well F-19 had a PFOA concentration of 9.6 ppt, exceeding criteria.  Well F-103, which is located downgradient of F-19 at the property boundary, was below the criteria for PFOA, and well F-21D, which is the farthest downgradient monitoring well sampled, was non-detect for PFOA, which means the PFOA is not migrating off-site.  PFOS was not detected in any of the samples collected above the reporting limit of 2 ppt.
    • On September 14, 2020, EGLE initiated discussion with landfill personnel pertaining to updating the site’s groundwater monitoring plan.  EGLE requested that PFAS analysis on select groundwater monitoring wells be included in the updated monitoring plan.  It is anticipated that a meeting between EGLE, landfill staff, and the landfill’s sampling contractor will take place in the near future to provide further discuss on updating the groundwater monitoring plan.
    • On October 5, 2020, EGLE staff met virtually with landfill staff, as well as the landfill’s sampling and groundwater reporting contractor, to begin discussion on updating the groundwater monitoring plan.  Additional meetings are anticipated in the future as progress continues.

      Sampling Results Summary: PFOS and PFOA Only

      Type of Sample

      Date Sampled (or Range)

      Numberof Sample Results Received

      Number of Samples Above PFOS Criteria

      Number of Samples Above PFOA Criteria


      October 2019 4 0 1
      Cumulative 4 0 1

      *Groundwater results are compared to EGLE Part 201 Criteria of PFOS 16 ppt and PFOA 8 ppt.

      Sampling Notes

      • None at this time.